
Thursday 5 December 2019

Term 4!

Term 4 has been a blast, I can't believe it is my last few days at Wainui Beach School. I'm so nervous to go to a new school.

Well I am  now  going to share to you about my last term at Wainui. This term I have had a lot of fun like...

Kapa Haka, Athletics, Visiting our new school, Culture city, Craft Fair, Road Patrol, we have been doing just dance and furniture Olympics and more.

 Kapa Haka was so much fun.  All of our practices payed off this year. I was in the second row with my friend in front of me. My favourite part was when we were doing the poi. After our kapa haka I had to go back on stage to play ukulele for my sisters for her kindergarten.

Athletics running isn't really my thing but I tried my best on it. My favourite was high jump, I jumped 1 meter 10. Ball throw and long jump I didn't really get that far but it was still fun.

Visiting our new school's was cool because we got see were we will be working next year. I am a bit nervous for moving but I think  I will fit right into my new school.

Culture city is one of our priorities we had to do. What we do is we get given two countries, we choose one then we have to find the Drama, Visual Arts, Dance and Music. My favourite countries was Maasai Tribe. I used to know nothing about the Maasai Tribe but now I feel like I know lots.

Craft Fair was amazing, I went around with two of my friends we had so much fun we were also saving the environment we went on rubbish duty for 15 min. I had loads of fun but we had to leave early so  I missed my ukulele band.

Road Patrol day! We have been doing patrols all year and for our reward we got to go to the pools for the day my favourite was the diving board I can just touch the bottom but it hurts my ears. We got  free lunch from the person running it. IT WAS AMAZING!!

Just dance and furniture Olympics  is a thing we do with our mostly every morning. Just dance is when we get into groups and try and copy  the person on the screen, we try. But furniture Olympics is my favourite we  have buzz groups then our teacher tells us to make something like let say if our teachers said to make a TV we would try and make one then show the whole class then we vote who's is the best.

That is my term I have had so much fun in class and out!


Wednesday 27 November 2019

Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival

Yesterday we went and did something awesome. . .

The Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival! I had a blast, I love kapa haka. My tummy was turning as I got my moko kauae printed on my face with the black lipstick. When we boarded the bus  I was so excited! We have been practicing all year, there is nothing to be nervous about I repeat to myself, that why we are here. As we got there we watched our little kids they were amazing, they sang our school song with pride. After there performance we got pulled behind the stage. 

As I happily walked onto stage, the strum of Koka Sue's guitar stared our performance. Our whole Nui sang our songs with pride. The nice sound of the the piupiu swaying with our takahia in the background sounded amazing. I was having so much fun on the stage singing our school songs. But the haka was now coming up and when  the boys were coming to the front the girl really had to sing loud with the boys doing a little haka. Now the  boys where at the front yelling there haka with strength.We were behind them and charting the haka too you could just hear us.

But just like that our performance was over, it seemed to quick at least I gave it 100%. We had some quick photos by the parents then we jumped on the bus and started heading to school.I can't WAIT to kapa haka next year!

Thursday 19 September 2019

Marae Trip

On Thursday and Friday, nui (seniores) when for a trip to the Te Poho O Rawiri Marae. We had a blast while we were there, first we had to get welcomed into the Marae. We had a powhiri as we came in and shared kia too. After we ate kia we went on to our rotation, we were all put into groups.

We had lots of different rotation (all of them were fun) When our first few rotations were done we had a reka lunch. We then went to a few more rotations then set up our beds. We all had to double up in a bed with a friend. Then we ate dinner and did a performance in front of the adultes. There was kapa haka, jump jum, uke, we had a person from our class Jack came up and do some stand up comedy and more. Then we jump into bed Koka Ngaire our teacher read us a story and Koka Terri made us calm down and relaxes and got most of us asleep. 

As we all woke up we got dressed we all went for a run because we woke up to early and we had a nice breakfast we then welcomed the wai (junoures) and learnt a new songs we welcomed them in.Then wai kids joined into our groups and did more rotations with the wai kids.Then we had lunch got free time and did more rotations then caught the bus home in the afternoon. I had a lot of fun at the Te Poho O Rawiri Marae and can't wait for next years visit.

Thursday 22 August 2019


Kia Ora.

Josefa and I did a science fair project. We did it about what fizzy rots your teeth the most. We used a egg as teeth because it has calcium in the egg shell so it can rot with sugar.

When we first put the egg in, the bubbles attacked it and then to the last day the shell had got slimey and yuck. We had a lot of fun doing our experiment and the mountain dew rotted the shell the most. The lemonade didn't really do anything but peel the top. The coke and fanta did the same they stained the teeth.

Sadly, we didn't get into the regionals, but that's okay because we had a lot of fun. I can't wait for next years science fair project it is so much FUN!!!   

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Cross Country RACE!!

Kia ora, it was the cross country race today!! (Tuesday 20th August 2019)  My race was up first, the year six  girls. I think I did okay today, I had a lot of fun. When I was doing the race I would always try and catch the person in front of me.

I have no idea what place I came but that doesn't matter. I was real tired at the end  as I ran real hard. We had to do two big laps and there were hills which made it harder.

After my race I went on the track to cheer on anyone else, and  I loved seeing everyone's smile when they crossed the finish line. 
                                                  That is me and my friend running

Friday 9 August 2019

Inter school Soccer

Inter school soccer was a blast I had so much fun playing with my soccer team. We had three games, we did pretty good because we won two games but lost the last game. Me and my friend Josefa  got the goals. We had one full girl team and a mixs team, our mixed team won the whole tournament. It was so exciting watching our other team play because the last penalty shot made them win the whole torment.  We had a lot of fun and I can't wait for next year inter school soccer.   

Friday 5 July 2019

Term 2

This Term has been a blast, we have done so much cool stuff like we have gone to the museum trips, Retro Tech,  Hamanatua stream weeding, Matariki Activities, Anzac Day, Wheels Day, Ed Truck, my buzz group made a video about a washing machine for Retro Tech and we did lots more.

 My favorite part of term 2 was when we went to the museum of technology. I liked the museum of technology because we could touch and hop on all of the old stuff that people had to use back then.
Here is some photos of our amazing term!